
Showing posts from February, 2018

Indo Pak War

Riposte and its counter effectivity against Cold start General Mirza Aslam Beg framed Pakistan army docrtrine through Zarb e Momin exercise named Riposte being counter offensive to any indian offence on the Pakistani soil. It comprises rapid movement of small amount of army as compared to slow movement of large number of army on the indian side. It basically revolves around deploying troops faster and gaining advantage to indian army by occupying almost 50 km of indian territory. Later on Sundarji Doctrine (1981—2004) was improvised because of its ineffectivity of troops mobilisation of almost 27 days to Cold start Doctrine.As per Cold Start promulgation, offensive operations could begin within 48 hours after orders had been issued. Such a limited response time would enable Indian forces to surprise their Pakistani counterparts. Operations would involve armoured spearheads, launched from forward positions in Punjab and Rajasthan.The plan emphasises speed and overwhelming firepower: a